Darkrooms just got smaller
The Polaroid Lab is your very own desktop darkroom. It uses a 3-lens system and 100% real film chemistry to expose the digital photos on your phone and process them into a Polaroid picture. Something real, something to hold, something to give.
From phone to android
Unleash all the creative power within the Polaroid Lab with the Polaroid Originals companion app. The app connects the Lab to your phone to turn your digital pictures into Polaroid photos you can keep. App available on the Apple App Store or Google Play. App is required for Lab operation.
Digital to analog. And back.
Polaroid's new augmented reality tool brings your memories to life. Using the Polaroid Originals app you can layer still images with video, allowing for video playback on your phone when you scan the printed picture. Make for you or make for someone else.
Collages made easy.
Create collages more easily with the Polaroid app. Connect to the Lab and turn one image into a collage of two, four, six, or nine frames in any composition you like. Watch the How to create a collage with the Polaroid Lab video to learn more about this feature.
Make sure to stock up on film for your Lab to enjoy the collage feature.
Be ready for every moment with a built-in rechargeable battery and USB charging cable.
Uses our battery-free i-Type film that's easier on the wallet.
Polaroid Lab
Das Polaroid Lab verwandelt digitales in analoges. Von etwas auf Deinem Bildschirm, in etwas greifbares. In einen Moment der mit Freunden geteilt werden kann, in ein Erlebnis welches du in Händen hältst.
- Original Polaroid-Format
- 3-Element-Linsensystem
- Augmented Reality-Funktionen
- Erstellen Sie Ihre eigene Collage
- Polaroid Lab
- USB-Ladekabel
- Schnellstartanleitung
- Benutzerhandbuch
Kompatible Filme:
Polaroid Originals i-Type und 600
(Farb-, Schwarz/Weiß- und Sondereditionen)
Kompatible Smartphones:
iPhone 6, 6s, 7, 8, X, Xs und neuer. Die meisten Android™ Smartphones