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PioneerDJ DJbag DJM-S3,DJM-S5,DJM-250MK2,DJM-450

PVI 79,99 €

68,37 €

The bag's protective egg-foam and fleeced lining prevent damage from vibrations and shocks. This DJ mixer bag is the perfect size to fit the following DJ mixers below: DJM-S3 – with included foam block DJM450 – with included foam block DJM250mk2 – with included foam block DJM-S5

Seulement 4 disponible(s)


  • Internal measures 435 x 310 x 120mm
  • Outer measures 455 x 350 x 130mm

Materials used:

  • EVA Durashock Molded Body
  • Black ballistic Polyester
  • Black fleeced lining
  • Lid egg-foam