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Stickers thermiques pour myFirst Insta Wi, Insta 20 & Insta 2, motifs

Replaceable stickers and thermal paper for myFirst Camera Insta 2, Insta 20 & Insta Wi.

Thermal paper and stickers, compatible with myFirst Camera Insta 2, Insta 20 & Insta Wi. 

The paper and stickers feature a sharp & dark image density, 10 years of image durability, and a smooth paper surface. Dimensions: 57mm x 26mm. Length: 3.6 meters. 

What's in the box


3x rolls of thermal sticker

Pink, Blue & Yellow

1x roll yellow, 1x roll pink & 1x roll blue

With patterns

3x rolls with colorful patterns

Transparent, Gold & Silver

1x roll transparent, 1x roll gold & 1x roll silver

With strips

1x roll with 2 rows of strips, 1x roll with 3 rows of strips & 1x roll with 4 rows of strips. 

White with Blue ink

3x rolls of thermal stickers with blue ink

White with Pink ink

3x rolls of thermal stickers with pink ink

Caractéristiques du produit
Code EAN:0850031616165
Numéro du fabricant :FC5706SA-MX03
Poids du produit :0.08 kilograms